25 Years of Allcargo — the journey to Gold begins!

The Allcargo’s story checks all these boxes through its 25 years of existence, and is now set to embark on its journey into the future. Our vision is to further augment our goal of making a mark in the logistics industry across the globe. Allcargo’s Silver Jubilee celebrations culminated in a grand event in Mumbai that traced the journey of the past 25 years. The celebration served as a reminder and platform for us to take a leap into the future with more vigour and confidence.

The ascent of Allcargo towards becoming a key player in India’s logistics industry has been possible only because of the immense support from our partners, customers and every acquaintance who joined us in our journey. The event was indeed a unique opportunity to thank over 700 of our global customers, associates and partners who came together to witness this momentous occasion and cheer the company as it embarked on a new journey towards growth. ‘Together to Silver, Together to Gold’, was the rallying theme during the celebrations.

At Allcargo, we understand the essence of evolving customer dynamics, and have adapted our business model as per their changing needs. Staying true to our motto — Ingenuity in Motion — we constantly strive to develop new business strategies and improve our portfolio of services. Being future-ready is at the heart of Allcargo’s mission, and we are closely monitoring and responding to how the future unfolds.

When Allcargo was conceived, the logistics sector was much less evolved compared to other sectors such as FMCG, automotive and IT/ITES. Over the last 25 years, the industry has grown tremendously, and Allcargo’s business history resonates with this growth. During this time, our Chairman Mr Shashi Kiran Shetty, with his focused decision-making and visionary approach, expanded the network of Allcargo across the globe through strategic acquisitions and partnerships. He brought together leaders who played an important role in instilling a sense of stability and consistency in the business, despite the diversified geographies that constitute the extensive Allcargo network.

Mr Shetty firmly believes that when an organisation is formed, it must voluntarily create a governance framework based on ethics, values, fairness, objectivity and trust. Throughout its 25-year journey, Allcargo’s values have been the soul of the organisation and served to break the stereotype of short-lived family businesses. The paradox of consistency and flexibility brought together within the same framework, with the help of ethics, values and fairness, have helped build a strong foundation for Allcargo — one that has flourished over the years through the dynamic workforce and talent that the company nurtures.

Project Springboard, our recently launched worldwide employee engagement programme, as an offshoot of the silver jubilee celebrations, aims to align our people toward a common vision and set of guiding values that Allcargo stands for and operates by. It is the unifying mission that helps us all imbibe the 10 guiding principles crafted by our chairman, as we transition into the next phase of supercharged growth.

We are proud to have a strong voice in the industry, and we believe we should also use our position and influence to make a difference to the society. Today, we provide job alternatives through our CSR programmes. Allcargo has partnered with the Government of India for interventions in skill development, environment and education. We understand that the pride and joy of rewards and celebrations also come with a responsibility towards our community. Our wide range of community development programmes help empower people from all sections of society.

For our business to thrive in the coming decades, adopting sustainable initiatives throughout our operations is the only choice. The Allcargo Greens initiative is our contribution to sustainability, reducing waste and adopting renewable sources of energy through simple actions such as saving paper, limiting the use of plastics, conserving energy, working with communities around our facilities and offices on environmental issues, planting trees and moving to solar energy.

With these thoughts, we look forward to the next few years that will define our course for another glorious 25 years. Our resolve is stronger and our conviction is firm.

Let’s begin the journey to Gold!!