Being champions of change

Being champions of change

According to the Global Carbon Budget 2022, the latter half of the 20th century saw a threefold rise in carbon dioxide emissions from 11 billion tons to around 36.6 billion tons from 1960s to 2022. One of the main causes for this is the burning of fossil fuels for running industries, manufacturing, transportation, and various other activities that drive economic growth. As evidence of the dire need to effectively combat climate change continues to rise, industry-leading global organizations like Allcargo Group are stepping up to make a difference with a strategic approach to ESG.

Being champions of change

Conscious and cognizant of the impact of logistics on the environment, Allcargo Group, which is among India’s largest integrated logistics services providers and the global LCL consolidation leader operating in 180 countries, has set a target to be carbon neutral by 2040.

The logistics major has partnered with leading global consultants and ESG-focused technology providers to assess and modify business strategies and activities and focus on green logistics to the maximum extent possible. Further, these efforts are also being complemented by employee volunteering activities and community development initiatives to take a holistic perspective and contribute to a better world.

Towards a greener, more sustainable future

Through a unique initiative Maitree, more than 860,000 fruit-bearing trees have been planted in tribal regions of Maharashtra. They help green the earth’s cover and create livelihood opportunities for farmers who tend to the trees and sell the produce.

Backed by its CSR arm, Avashya Foundation, Allcargo Group also conducts sessions for these farmers where they get insights on types of soil, protecting the plants from pests, and other key aspects.

Tree plantation is often a collective activity involving employees, partners, and associates, and the organization looks ahead to achieving its aim of planting a million trees by 2023.

Beating plastic pollution to save the ocean

Plastic, being a byproduct of petroleum, that has an extremely long shelf life – recycling and reducing it is key. When plastic makes its way into the aquatic ecosystem, it adversely impacts marine life and its traces may also find a way into the human body through seafood consumed.

Allcargo Group has made it a point to show up and save the city’s beaches by organizing multiple clean-up drives, the most recent of which was held in July 2023, at Carter Road Beach, in Bandra, Mumbai

In collaboration with citizen movement, Carter Clean up, and Ek Saath Foundation, the team collected 450 kg of plastic waste, which was then sent for recycling. It was remarkable how so many individuals chose to walk the talk, and truly live by Allcargo Group’s core value of Care for Environment and Society.

Being champions of change

Cleaning Carter Road Beach which is filled with plastic trash thrown by the sea and those who visit the popular hangout spot.

450 kg of plastic trash was collected. It will be sent for recycling.

Swapping plastic bags for cloth bags at Allcargo’s Delhi and Kolkata offices.

Taking action, leading by example

In addition to organizing clean-up drives to reduce plastic pollution, Allcargo Group has taken a step further to reduce the use of plastic bags and other objects, thus preventing them from ending up into landfills or clogging up our oceans.

Its Head Office as well as CFS-ICD premises have been declared as ‘No Plastic Zones’, and team members are encouraged to use steel or glass cutlery, mugs, bottles, etc.

Moreover, any visitors entering the premises with a plastic bag are given a cloth or jute bag for their belongings to replace the plastic bag which is taken away. This simple act creates awareness and brings the topic of plastic pollution to the forefront, while showcasing that it is indeed possible to make a small switch towards a more sustainable way of life.

Looking ahead

As aptly quoted by Margaret Mead, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed individuals can change the world. In fact, it’s the only thing that ever has.”

With innovative ideas and consistent efforts, Allcargo Group, along with its team members across the world is well-geared to inspire thoughtful actions today, for a better, brighter tomorrow.