Allcargo records significant progress in the S&P Corporate Sustainability Assessment

Allcargo’s unwavering commitment to sustainable growth and responsible business practices is reflected in its achievement of an almost four-fold increase from the previous year’s score

The logistics major has made substantial strides, making significant improvements despite being new to this rigorous evaluation. This reflects the strategic focus on leveraging immediate opportunities to enhance their ESG performance.

Key improvements contributing to this enhanced score include:

Cyber Security: A 73-point increase showcases Allcargo’s robust measures to protect data and secure their digital infrastructure.

Business Ethics: With a 51-point improvement, the group’s commitment to ethical business practices has been reinforced.

Materiality: A 49-point jump reflects a strategic focus on identifying and managing material issues effectively.

Moreover, Allcargo has significantly improved its engagement practices, enhancing transparency and communication. The focus on fair labour practices, has lead to notable improvements in their scores. Efforts to safeguard customer and employee data have also resulted in better performance. Investments in workforce skills and a supportive work environment further illustrate the logistics leader’s dedication to social responsibility. Additionally, their environmental score increased by 9 points on account of ‘improved policies and processes aimed at reducing their ecological footprint.

Challenges and Future Focus Areas

While celebrating these achievements, Allcargo recognizes that future improvements will be more challenging requiring concerted efforts, and have identified key focus areas:

Environment: Enhancing fleet decarbonization efforts and improving water management practices to boost environmental scores.

Social: Talent management and customer relationship management are critical areas for significant strides.

Governance: Refining policy influence to strengthen the governance framework.

Reaching the industry average in the first year of participation is a commendable achievement, but it is just the beginning. The journey ahead is challenging, yet with clear areas of focus and a commitment to continuous improvement, Allcargo is confident in its ability to achieve greater heights. Their progress in ESG is not merely about scores; it is about making a tangible difference in their operations and contributing positively to the world.