Avashya Foundation resumes its support at the Sion Hospital for Cancer Patients owing to slowdown of the pandemic

Jeevan Coping project is one of the important projects in the area of health care undertaken by Avashya Foundation, in which medicine related support, psycho social counselling, investigation and operation related support is given to the cancer patients.

In the area of health, Allcargo’s CSR interventions are focused on addressing the challenges of accessibility and affordability in public health. Jeevan, Jeevan Coping with Cancer, Drushti, Leprosy Elimination Action Project (LEAP), nutrition and medical care are some of the projects implemented by Avashya Foundation.

One of the important projects in the area of health care is the Jeevan Project in Lokmanya Tilak Municipal General Hospital and Lokmanya Tilak Municipal Medical College, Charitable Hospital, Mumbai. The project was inaugurated by Mrs Arathi Shetty, Chairperson CSR Committee, with the objective of providing medicine related support, psycho social counselling, investigation and operation related support to underprivileged patients. The project has been conceived with the objective of addressing challenges of affordability and accessibility in the public health and project has been a great success on these parameters of addressing these twin challenges.

Under the Jeevan Coping project at Sion has resumed its operations in the month of Sep 2020. COVID 19 has created lot of challenges for the patients in Sion Hospital as lot of Covid restrictions created challenges in availing medical treatment and affordability created issues as lot of donors have withdrawn their support due to funding. After resuming operations at Sion Hospital recently, 147 patients at Sion Hospital has been supported, of which 132 were supported for medicines and 15 have been supported for operations and investigation.
