Allcargo supports over 2000 students every year in South Kanara, Udipi district and Mumbai

Avashya Foundation’s various initiatives in South Kanara, Udipi district and Mumbai have impacted Lakhs of lives. One of its projects Disha, focusses on education with multiple objectives to mentor students and shape their future. It aims to support 2000 students every year in South Kanara, Udipi district and Mumbai. 

Avashya Foundation has been working in the area of education, health, environment, women’s empowerment, sports and natural disaster with local communities and deserving target groups in order to promote people centric inclusive growth. Avashya Foundation focused on education with multiple objectives of the Disha Project is based on our belief that every child has the ability to learn, and excel in any field if opportunity to discover is offered. Opportunities coupled with access to quality professional education among deserving, vulnerable and meritorious students can shape their successful careers and future.

Allcargo supports over 2000 students every year. This year too, Disha project aims to support 2000 students in their education. In the first phase over 800 students from 41 schools in South Kanara, Udipi district, Bantwal regions have been provided with the education support. Second phase of the project is under progress and students are getting shortlisted for the scholarship application.

Scholarship Distribution has been conducted in 12 Schools in Mumbai, Thane and Navi Mumbai area.  Under this initiative Avashya Foundation has supported 338 students in total, out of which 172 are Girls and 166 are boys.

Below are some glimpses of the event:
