Allcargo supports psychiatric patients at the Seon Ashram

Seon Ashram houses hundreds of patients suffering from various psychiatric problems. As they were in the need of support for food, nutrition and medicine, Allcargo extended that support and helped them meet their basic needs.

Allcargo happily extended support to Seon Ashram for meeting the food, nutrition and medicine requirements. The support was towards the nutrition and medicines requirement for the psychiatric patients. Through this initiative Allcargo has supported 219 patients suffering from various psychiatric problems like Schizophrenia, Psychosis Bipolar Disorder, Depression etc.

The Ashram takes care of their people, by providing adequate nutrition, medicines, physical and mental activities and cultural events are conducted for them for their mental relief, slowly helping them to come back to the normal lifestyle. With continues effort few of the patience are getting back to their normal life. Such individuals are involved in different activities such as assisting in the kitchen, helping in the construction work, cow farming, etc.

The patients who engage themselves in any work or activities are awarded with the prizes on special occasions like festivals and national festival to motivate them to continue their efforts and also help them to improve interpersonal relationships. Different cultural programs also conducted by the patients on every Sundays and also on the special occasions.

All possible measures are taken towards the safety of covid19 at the Ashram. The Ashram has zero positive cases due continues effort taken by staff at the Ashram.
