Avashya Foundation encourages women empowerment at its ideal village in Dhamani

With an aim to develop an ideal village in Dhamani, as an institution were the community takes ownership of their personal wellbeing and of their surroundings. Avashya Foundation conducts women empowerment activities to better their livelihood.

The ideal village program of Avashya Foundation was first initiated in December 2019, in Dhamani village (three Hamlets) in Maldongi Group Grampanchayat of Raigad District. With Major emphases Health, Education, Women Empowerment, Housing, Environment Sanitation, Livelihoods, the program in its initial years emulated the objective of Nirmal Gram Yojana of the Central Government. Various activities were conducted to boost a better livelihood and Women empowerment.

Tailoring class was started for the women at the village. Ten sewing machines were donated by Bharatiben  Mahendra Sangoi. The class saw interest from 120 women, out of which 80 women have completed the course and 40 are getting skilled in current tailoring batch.
