Gati organises eight eye check-up Camp in Hyderabad

As part of the CSR initiative GATI concluded its eight eye check-up camp. The initiative supported more than 400 beneficiaries under its project Drushti .

Driven by the success of our previous camps and to serve the needy, Foundation of His Sacred Majesty in association with Gati organised the eight camp in Tirumala Nagar, Hyderabad on 26th January.

The objective of conducting the health camp was to create awareness of general health among the people, provide eye care and counselling.

The main thought was to make people aware of the health issues through educating them to protect the eyes from external harm.

 A total of 409 beneficiary were benefited by the camp. Total of 27 cataract surgeries were identified, 55 people were referred to higher institution and 204 were provided with the spectacles.
