Allcargo supports the transgender community in Tamil Nadu

­During the pandemic Allcargo helped various communities and people across the country. One community that is always left behind is the transgender community, but Allcargo heard them and helped them survive the pandemic.

One of the severely affected communities due to COVID-19 lockdown is the transgender community. These communities have consisted over generations of those who are in abject poverty, rejected by, or flee, their family of origin. Many work as sex workers for survival. Most of the transgender live at the margins of society with very low status. As with transgender people in most of the places, they face extreme discrimination in health, housing, education, employment, immigration, law, and any bureaucracy that is unable to place them into male or female gender categories.

The entire phase of lockdown was painful for them; they had no option but to eat inadequate daily meals. Knowing their status in lockdown period, For His Sacred Majesty (FHSM) team & volunteers with the generous support of Allcargo Logistics distributed free one-month grocery to 50 transgender in Tamil Nadu. This timely help provided by FHSM was a very big relief to their family. This ration provided by FHSM under Allcargo Logistics should sustain them with proper meals for a month.
