Lending a helping hand to our elders

Through collaboration with the AmbaGopal Foundation, Avashya Foundation is supporting senior citizens with nutrition, emotional support and access to medical aid.

Everyone could do with a helping, especially the aged of society. The geriatric population of the country faces various physical and emotional challenges. Apart from failing health and limited livelihood opportunities, they experience feelings of loneliness and helplessness at not being able to cope in a fast changing world.  Once able and independent, they now have to come to terms with being feeble and dependent. Our senior citizens need our care and support. Avashya Foundation supports the requirements of the elderly by helping them with their nutritional, emotional and medical requirements for which we have partnered with AmbaGopal Foundation.

Free meals are provided to the elderly, along with informative sessions on how to adopt a healthier lifestyle. During the pandemic, online sessions are being conducted with the aim of empowering them with knowledge on remaining safe and maintaining their immunity.

For the elderly, visiting a doctor or medical facility becomes a challenge due to their frail constitution. The initiative also supports them with manpower and vehicle services to help them with doctor and hospital visits, as and when required.

To help them deal with anxiety, worry and feelings of loneliness and helplessness, counselling sessions are provided to the elderly to help them take corrective measures to not only to deal with their fear but to also help them lead a happy Life. One-on-one counselling sessions are also provided to those in need of personalised care.

At Avashya Foundation, we believe we follow in the footsteps of our elders. We have inherited this world from them; a world which they worked extremely hard to better. We owe our progress to them and their efforts. Hence, we consider it our duty to help our forebears. 
