Bringing vision to people’s lives

Gati Ltd. in partnership with For His Sacred Majesty Foundation supported 4,810 individuals with eye treatments under the Drishti Project.

The eyes arguably are our most important sense organ. Any deterioration in one’s eyesight impacts one’s ability to function properly. For those severely affected, earning an income can also be an issue. However, there are methods and procedures to halt this deterioration in the early stages itself, to prevent greater damage. But for most people, such treatment is often beyond their means or puts a strain on their already delicate finances.

To enable such people from marginalised communities to also access good quality eye care, with early detection of eye ailments, Gati Ltd. collaborated with For His Sacred Majesty Foundation (FHSM), to support 4,810 individuals through 12 eye camps from April 2020 to March 2021.

Of these, 309 patients underwent surgical treatment for cataract; 659 patients were treated for spectacular malfunction and duly provided with free spectacles; 3362 people had utilized the basic eye testing services and 480 patients have been referred to higher institutions for treatment. Win Vision, Shree Netralaya and B. H. Vision played a pivotal role in providing and facilitating the services.

The entire process of implementation was possible due to the effective participation from Self-Help Groups (SHGs), community leaders, youth, school teachers and anganwadi workers. A team from the associated medical partners along with FHSM project team staff travelled to the planned site and screened patients for cataracts, and offer free surgery to those who need it and/or refer them for further treatment. Additionally, treatment and follow up was provided if required. The suffering caused by blindness deeply affected the family of each unfortunate, vision-impaired individual, especially among underprivileged households. With restored sight, many people were able to resume their work but it is the relief to the individual and the family that is priceless.
