Spreading Smiles during the Pandemic

Allcargo Logistics in collaboration with INGA Foundation supports infants with congenital birth deformities with corrective surgeries.

Otherwise happy and chirpy, the infants Mokshith, Ravith, Khataj, Lingaraju, Gokul and Sagar all between the ages of four and seventeen months, were a cause of worry for each of their parents, who longed to see their children smile and eat normally and most importantly to lead a normal life.

Each of the infants was born with a cleft lip, a congenital birth condition in which there is a split in their upper lip or their palate caused by their facial features not being formed properly before birth. This condition can cause difficulty in swallowing and ear infections. That it is a common birth defect, is of little consolation for a parent whose child has the condition.

Cleft lip can be rectified with surgery enabling the child to live a normal life. However, not everyone is able to afford the surgery. That is when Allcargo stepped in to help these little children have a normal life. Through a collaboration with INGA Foundation in Bangalore, cleft lip surgeries were performed for these little children at Yashomati Hospitals Pvt Ltd, Marathahalli, where INGA Foundation operates out of.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, extra care had to be taken, including having a separate entrance for patients and INGA staff to isolate them from the other patients in the hospital. Only after various medical tests confirmed that the children are fit for surgery, did the procedures take place.

Today, the parents of these little children are relieved to see them smile, knowing they will have normal lives ahead of them.
