Sowing seeds to harvest a better tomorrow

Allcargo Logistics helps vulnerable farmers with agricultural inputs.

As the South-West Monsoon brings rain to the west coast of India, heralding the sowing time for the Kharif crop, Allcargo Logistics with SAVALI organisation, provided seeds to farmers in Dhamani village, Raigad, Maharashtra enabling them to grow crops to earn a livelihood this season.

Seeds of rice and vegetables were distributed to over 200 marginalised farming households. Due to the restrictions placed by the second wave of COVID-19, mobility was severely restricted. Farmers were unable to access markets to purchase agricultural inputs such as seeds. With the first rains having readied the earth for sowing, farmers were concerned about missing this crucial window of opportunity. Not being able to sow seeds at the beginning of the Kharif season would have a cataclysmic effect over the next few months. Firstly, food and nutrition security of the families would be drastically compromised, secondly without crops to guarantee an income and lack of jobs caused by the pandemic – most of the men and youth are engaged in daily wage labour – the families would slip further into poverty.

“I am very thankful to Allcargo Logistics & SAVALI for providing us with rice and vegetable seeds. In this crisis pandemic situation, every farmer faces similar conditions like scarcity of funds due to lack of jobs; market closure; and non-availability of other sources of income. In this situation, we received 25 kg of seeds for each family. With this we can cultivate our land this year and will ultimately grow crops and vegetables to provide for our families.”

Dharma Balu Zhugre, 52, of Mothi Dhamani village.

This activity is part of a larger initiative to create awareness and promote traditional and sustainable farming practices  (including: composting, soil and water conservation, integrated pest management, environmentally sustainable application of traditional manure, etc.) through awareness and training workshops, information dissemination and extension services; adoption of scientific farming techniques; organising the villagers into farmers’ collectives and community associations enabling them to benefit from economies of scale in purchasing farm inputs; processing, transportation and marketing of agricultural produce; increasing their market share and facilitating better access to credit and other financial services.

Sowing seeds is the first step in begetting a harvest – be it of crops or social change and Avashya Foundation is humbled to be able to help them embark on this journey.
