Allcargo Logistics upskills youth to improve employment prospects

Allcargo in collaboration with BlackSoil imparts logistics skill training to youth to increase chances of employability.

Being one of the youngest countries in the world with more than 54% of the total population below 25 years of age and over 62% of the population in the working age group (15-59 years), India’s demographic advantage is expected to last till 2040. To enable India to make the most of its young population, the youth need to be skilled and equipped to contribute to the economy.

To enable youth to find gainful employment in the logistics sector, Allcargo Logistics started the Allcargo Skill Development Center (ASDC) in Khopta village, Uran, Maharashtra, in 2015-16 at its established business unit. At the large campus, a residential facility has been arranged for underprivileged candidates from distant locations that looks after their lodging and boarding requirements. Skill training in HMV, LMV, Warehousing, Security, aligned courses, and life skills are imparted to the youth of the area by well qualified, LSC certified and industry experienced trainers.  Those who successfully complete the course are awarded with a certification after which a Placement Officer helps them find suitable employment. The candidates are also given post placement support to ease the pressure of the new job.

In 2020-21, Allcargo joined hands with BlackSoil to train the youth in jobs such as Consignment Booking Assistant and Warehouse picker. Under the initiative Allcargo with BlackSoil has trained 50 students out of which 29 are employed in various organisations.

This is part of Allcargo Logistics’ wider initiative to empower youth with skills in the country, for which it partners with various organisations.
