Giving children a chance to fight cancer

Gati-KWE helps underprivileged children with chemotherapy.

Every child has the right to a healthy childhood. But for children affected by cancer, the treatment and care is often very expensive. Not everyone can easily afford such treatment for their children.

To support such children with continued treatment, Gati-KWE had been successfully operating the Jeevan Coping with Cancer project in Hyderabad, Telangana, since March 2021. Under this project, economically underprivileged families, whose children are affected by Retinoblastoma are supported with chemotherapy treatment. Retinoblastoma accounts for 2.5-4% of all childhood cancers, mostly affecting those below 15 years of age in India.

For this, Gati-KWE works in partnership with Foundation of His Sacred Majesty and L V Prasad Eye Institute to support patients who are unable to afford the cost of Retinoblastoma chemotherapy. The treatment is led by Dr. Swathi Kaliki, Head of the Department – Oculoplasty, L V Prasad Eye Institute. The chemotherapy treatment is provided in 12 cycles.

We are glad that from May to July 2021 we were able to support 96 children receive chemotherapy treatment for Retinoblastoma.
