Providing better care for those affected by leprosy

Allcargo Logistics is working to mitigate the suffering of people affected by leprosy in Raigad District, Maharashtra.

Allcargo Logistics has teamed up with Alert India Foundation to help provide better care and diagnosis for people affected by leprosy in Karjat & Khalapur blocks of Raigad district in Maharashtra.

Through support to the Leprosy Referral Centre, (LRCs) various leprosy related clinical, diagnostic, therapeutic and rehabilitative services are delivered for the affected. They include diagnosis of new leprosy cases in addition to management of deformity/disability threatening conditions (lepra reaction and/or neuritis) and care for deformity through services such as:

  • Diagnosis of leprosy through clinical and bacteriological examination (skin smear) of leprosy suspects.
  • Diagnosis and management of leprosy cases with reactions and neuritis (deformity threatening conditions).
  • Detecting early nerve damage through periodical nerve function assessment of persons affected by leprosy with risk for nerve damage and management of early nerve damage for deformity prevention.
  • Physiotherapy services such as electric muscle stimulation and wax therapy.
  • Deformity care services such as provision of hydro/oil therapy followed by massage & physio-exercises, and ulcer dressing.
  • Provision of aids and appliances such as MCR (Micro Cellular Rubber) footwear for insensitive feet, splints for correction of disability/deformity, ulcer dressing/care kit, goggles for eye deformity etc.
  • Counselling & health education for self-care.

All leprosy cases reported at the LRCs are clinically examined by the medical officer of the government health facility and referred to technical staff for required leprosy related services. The technical staff assess nerve functions and disability status for persons affected by leprosy with risk for nerve damage and disability respectively. As per the need relevant treatment and support is provided.

At Allcargo we believe it is our duty to support our less fortunate brethren access appropriate healthcare to live fuller lives and we are happy we could help those who are affected by this serious ailment.
