Enabling better eyesight and a better life with Drushti

Eye camps and initiatives in collaboration with SAAD Foundation in Mumbai and Foundation of His Sacred Majesty (FHSM) in Chennai help over 7000 beneficiaries.

The ‘Drushti’ initiative focuses on creating awareness about health, especially eye health. Through this programme, we help enhance the level of awareness and knowledge of common eye diseases that could lead to a better understanding and acceptance of the importance of routine eye examinations. Additionally, the early detection and treatment of eye diseases significantly helps reduce visual impairment amongst the community at large.

Close to 5000 underprivileged individuals in Chennai and more than 2000 in Mumbai have received consultation, help with surgical treatment, cataract treatment, medicines for minor eye defects, basic eye testing and referrals to other institutions for treatment, etc.

As a result, beneficiaries, both old and young, have been able to return to work, attend school, participate in family activities and enhance their quality of life after having their sight restored.
