Gati and FHSM have collaborated throughout 2021 – 2022 in the Jeevan coping with cancer.

In this financial year 244 socially and economically deprived benefited from the project. L V Prasad Institute at Hyderabad,  played a pivotal role in providing and facilitating the expected and agreed services.

The treatment is led by Dr.Swati Kaliki, Head of the Department–Oculoplasty, LV Prasad Eye Institute by providing chemotherapy in 7-8 cycles. A majority of the beneficiaries are from Hyderabad, and the rest from other parts of Telangana state and other states of India. In addition, FHSM offered free preventive measures for all kinds of eye defects and provided post care services

The project reaped success with the generous contribution offered by GATI limited.

FHSM has been closely working with Community based social groups like the youth club sand women’s self-help groups. The whole process of implementing took place with the effective participation from SHGs, community leaders, youths, school-teachers and anganwadi workers. A team from associated medical partners along with FHSM project team staff travelled to the planned site and identified patients for cataracts, and performs free surgery to those who need it and/or refer them for further treatment. The FHSM team closely worked with local medical personnel to provide further treatment and follow-up if required. The suffering caused by blind-ness deeply affected the family of each unfortunate, blinded individual, especially among poor households. FHSM provided medicines for children below six years of age. The medicines were used for their Chemotherapy sessions to treat Retinoblastoma.

With restored sight, many people returned to work and to their families.

244 beneficiaries completed full cycle of 7 Chemotherapy sessions for Retinoblastoma.

124 beneficiaries have completed more than 4 cycles of Chemotherapy sessions.
