Maitree – making a difference to the environment and to our communities

In the past 6 years, Allcargo has focussed it’s efforts on environmental sustainability and helping Adivasi communities around Mumbai through Project Maitree.

With over 7 lakh trees planted and a pledge to do 1 Million, we are making a difference to the lives of the communities we support.

This year we have concentrated on providing saplings of Mango, Guava, Cashew, Lemon, and Teak . The team coordinated with the plant vendor – Shailesh Nursery about the quality, quantity and loading and unloading of plants at the prescribed locations.

Our teams interacted with farmers during the group meetings and trainings and also undertook a survey about Home Based Solar Units and Water Wheels.  The Agriculture team conducted the meeting regarding plant selection and distribution process for the upcoming months.  The team also cleaned out the grass using a Brush Cutter machine and made a firewall to protect from wild forest fires.

After the plant distribution, the team focused on actual plantation activity and planned follow up visits for the same. During these visits the team members interacted with each farmer and motivated them for the plantation. Agriculture assistants did a demonstration of the plantation for the farmers, and the farmers did the plantation accordingly.

The team organized trainings in the October heat on weed control and weeding methods. Agriculture Assistants conducted village wise training sessions prepared training videos for farmers on how to care for Mango and Cashew plants. Village visits were conducted at the developed mango plots to monitor mango production. Farmer’s trainings about plant mulching and plant drenching was conducted. Village visits were done for successful farmers and to document their success stories.

Maitree has turned out to be a project we are aptly proud of. Good for the planet. Good for the communities.
