Find your balance with YOGA

Yoga is essentially a practice of our soul, that works through our body and mind.

Swami Vivekachaithanyananda once said “Let the International Yoga day enrich our lost values and help developing mutual understanding and cooperation”.

Avashya Foundation is proud to be associated with the Ramakrishna Ashram, an epitome of spirituality.

The 8th International Yoga Day was celebrated in the Ramakrishna Tapovan Ashram, Bantwal, on 21.06.2022. The High School children, Ashram students and Yoga bandhu of Patanjali Yoga Shikshana Samiti participated in the function.

Swami Vivekachaithanyananda spoke on the significance of yoga in daily life and how the Ashtanga Yoga of Patanjali Maharshi is relevant for every individual to attain the highest bliss as few yogasanas and Surya namaskar along with Pranayama was taught on that day.
