Sankalp Manav Vikas Sanstha

Taking a step towards PROGRESS!

Sankalp Manav Vikas Sanstha in collaboration with Allcargo’s CSR arm, Avashya Foundation collaboration opened a new center for advanced tailoring training and designing in Dhamni village which is for surrounding villages (Padas) in Panvel block.

Sankalp Manav Vikas Sanstha and Allcargo Logistics Ltd in collaboration organized a motivational session for beneficiaries, Guests, beneficiaries, team of Sawli were welcomed with rose flowers and Pune center’s beneficiaries with handmade jute bags.

Mr. Mahadev Khandagale, Marketing coordinator Sankalp Santha presented scope of the project. He shared the overall project information which is running in Pune and how this project helped and benefited women who took training and gave guidance and motivation to beneficiaries.
