A beacon of hope and humanity – Tata Marathon Run

Take pride in the miles, you have gone to give this earth – the greens!

Allcargo Logistics partnered with the 18th edition of Mumbai’s iconic Tata Mumbai Marathon 2023 (TMM), which sees citizens come together from different walks of life to run for a cause and raise funds. This year we have selected the causes of Health and Education. We are supporting an area of health that urgently requires more attention – the elimination of leprosy through the Alert India Foundation. We are also promoting education among the deprived sections of society through Chinmay Charitable Trust, and for the cause of the environment, we are partnering with SAVALI. Over the years, Allcargoites have whole-heartedly participated in all the marathon runs and this year too we have fielded three teams under the Corporate Challenge category and have 45 runners who represented Allcargo.

We look forward to envisaging more marathon runs supporting the causes of health, education, and the environment, making a difference for a sustainable tomorrow!
