Enabling early identification of hearing loss with Dhvani

Addressing the national neglect of children with hearing impairment is increasing and undergoing several challenges, given that spoken language is the predominant medium of communication and social interaction. Failure to detect early and effectively manage the disease within the first year of life can lead to a permanent hearing impairment, that is congenital. If it is detected in the neonatal period, it has significant and irreversible implications leading to deficits in speech and in linguistic, cognitive, and educational development. Adequate auditory stimulation, in early childhood, is the foundation for optimal speech and language development as well as the acquisition of literacy skills.

With our recently launched initiative – Dial for Dhvani, in support of our NGO partner Vipla Foundation – Mumbai, we are identifying children at risk of hearing loss and enabling them with treatment, and providing intervention for children with hearing impairment through audiological management, therapeutic intervention, and school readiness program in suburban areas of Mankhurd and Trombay in Maharshtra.  

We covered over 2000 children through the hearing screening camps and trained over 500 Anganwadi teachers on nutritional awareness and hearing loss screening awareness.
