Empowering minds, transforming lives through skill development

Empowering minds, transforming lives through skill development

Committed to empowering and equipping the youths of Udupi, Karnataka – with essential skills for a brighter future, the Udupi Grameen Buntara Bhavana organization recently arranged a remarkable Certificate Distribution Program and New Batch Orientation Program at the Skill Development Centre named Asha Prakash Shetty Convention Centre, in Kunthal Nagara, Udupi.

Udupi Grameen Buntara Bhavana Certificate distribution program and new batch orientation program report

Udupi Grameen Buntara Bhavana Certificate distribution program and new batch orientation program report

Udupi Grameen Buntara Bhavana Certificate distribution program and new batch orientation program report

Udupi Grameen Buntara Bhavana Certificate distribution program and new batch orientation program report

The event was part of our skill development initiative Nipun. The dignitaries present shared their experiences and words of wisdom, emphasizing the transformative power of education and skill development. They also emphasized the importance of innovative teaching facilities and the immense potential of digital literacy in shaping the future of education.

The Certificate Distribution Program and New Batch Orientation Program at Udupi Grameen Buntara Bhavana – was no less than a pledge to nurture the youth and bridge the skills gap in the community. Through their relentless efforts, they continue to pave the way for a brighter and more prosperous future for the youths of Udupi.
