Harvesting hope, with Maitree mangoes

Harvesting hope, with Maitree mangoes

As part of our Maitree project, that aims to increase the earth’s green cover by planting trees, we have been helping tribal farmers in rural Maharashtra by planting fruit bearing trees, which they then tend to. When the trees mature and bear fruit, the farmers can sell the fruits to supplement their incomes.

To help these farmers sell their produce of mango fruits, an annual mango festival is held every year at the Allcargo Head Office in Mumbai, where team members wholeheartedly support the farmers, by purchasing the mangoes. This year as well the Maitree Mango Festival was successfully held, helping farmers to earn an additional source of income.

Harvesting hope, with Maitree mangoes

Through Maitree we are working to replenish the green cover of our planet and so far have planted over 850,000 fruit-bearing saplings, to enhance the earth’s green cover. Our goal of planting a million trees will be achieved this year.
