Welcoming pink waves of hope

Welcoming pink waves of hope

ECU Worldwide France runs to raise awareness on breast cancer!

The vibrant city of Le Havre experiences an annual transformation as it becomes engulfed in a sea of pink for the Amazone race, which is annually organised to raise awareness on breast cancer.

ECU Worldwide France embraced the cause and wholeheartedly participated in the marathon.

Welcoming pink waves of hope

The vibrant pink wave floods the streets of Le Havre as more than 8000 participants gather for the 15th edition of the Amazone race, showing support towards the fight against breast cancer.

Welcoming pink waves of hope

The team members of ECU Worldwide France took part in the marathon, donning pink t-shirts in support of the cause, ready to run and raise awareness for breast cancer.

Welcoming pink waves of hope

The participants made their way through the streets of Le Havre, spreading hope with each stride.

Welcoming pink waves of hope

As per WHO 7.8 million women were diagnosed with breast cancer in 2020, making it the most prevalent cancer in the world. Events such as these helps create a dialogue on breast cancer and spread a positive message of hope and solidarity with those who are affected by it.
