Acting today, for a better tomorrow!

Beach clean-up drive at Carter Road in Mumbai, India

In a world grappling with environmental consequences of plastic pollution, we took a stand to help protect the local beach at Carter Road in Mumbai, India, on July 15, 2023. Carter Road beach has long suffered the blight of plastic waste. Every year, a massive amount of plastic trash finds its way to beaches across the world, spoiling their natural beauty and damaging the delicate marine ecosystem. In India alone, this issue is significant, with the country’s coastline experiencing substantial plastic pollution.

With collective effort and a shared sense of responsibility, we organised a beach clean-up drive to help save our oceans and beaches. We collaborated with the citizen movement, Carter Clean Up and Ek Saath Foundation, who relentlessly work to protect the environment, regularly cleaning Carter Road beach and nearby mangroves. In one morning we successfully collected and sent 450 kgs of plastic waste for recycling.

While pollution at the beaches in India may be a microcosm of the global plastic pollution crisis, the statistics worldwide paint a stark picture. According to recent studies, an estimated 8 million metric tons of plastic enter our oceans each year, threatening marine life and ecosystems.

It is therefore imperative to act for the environment today, through collaborative action. Change after all, involves us all.

Inspired by our core value of Care for Environment and Society, we are committed to making the world a better place! 
