Reclaiming civic pride: Shramdaan for cleaner public spaces

Reclaiming civic pride: Shramdaan for cleaner public spaces

Public open spaces are integral to our urban landscapes and resonate the sense of civic pride we all carry. We are committed to protecting them with the principles of cleanliness and hygiene.

In response to our Honourable Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s clarion call on October 1 this year to join the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan with Shramdaan, our Gati teams in Mumbai and Indore hit the streets enthusiastically, to reclaim precious urban spaces from the clutches of litter and refuse.

Reclaiming civic pride: Shramdaan for cleaner public spaces

With brooms and dustpans as our tools, armed with face masks and gloves, the teams cleaned open public spaces, streets, spaces under flyovers, and community gathering areas in the neighbourhood of our offices and city-wide as well, resonating with our resolute mission to deliver India’s progress everyday which is augmented by one of our Core Values – Care for Environment and Society.
