Leading the charge for disaster relief

Leading the charge for disaster relief

As Cyclone Michaung wreaked havoc in its wake, disrupting the lives and means of livelihood of hundreds people in Chennai in December, members of Allcargo’s Speedy Multimodes Limited in Chennai undertook disaster relief work, in partnership with the non-governmental organisation (NGO), Foundation for His Sacred Majesty (FHSM).

Over 300 volunteers took on various responsibilities, such as preparing and distributing cooked food to those affected by floods, and giving a helping hand at flood relief centres. Other relief materials including clothes, medicines and daily essentials were also procured and distributed among those who were affected.

Cyclone Michaung caused torrential rains in Chennai and a deluge, which brought life to an abrupt halt. As daily lives were distrupted, those from vulnerable and marginalised communities were most affected.

Daily wage labourers buy and cook food with their earnings each day, often with a hand to mouth system. Lack of earnings gravely affects their overall security, bringing uncertainties to the extent of procuring the next meal. According to reports of the Chennai Municipal Corporation, at least 57,000 homes in the city had suffered structural damage, mostly those of low-income people and over 600 lost their lives.

The distribution of relief materials, sponsored by Avashya Foundation, Allcargo’s CSR arm, took place in and around CFS location in Chennai, and was spearheaded by the officers and staff of the CFS.
