Boosting business – across the Nordics and the world

When it comes to providing global logistics services, the world is not enough. That’s why in spite of a wide network operating in 180 countries, ECU Worldwide has further strengthened its presence in the Nordic countries with a Joint Venture (JV) with Nordicon, the leading ocean freight consolidator in the Nordic region with near 40% market share in the LCL segment and extensive rail freight capabilities.

The ECU Worldwide–Nordicon JV opens up a world of possibilities for customers of both entities. While Nordicon customers now have access to global cargo movement in 180 countries, ECU Worldwide’s customers gain from Nordicon’s extensive ocean freight capabilities along with value-added services and extensive reach across Europe through rail freight.

Exploring business potential across the Nordics

An enhanced connectivity can work very well for customers looking to expand into new and promising territories, such as the Nordic countries – whose economic and social stability is surely an enticing proposition for trade expansion.

Numerous technology and automobile majors such as Ericsson, Electrolux, Nokia, Volvo Group call it their home, just as some of the biggest retailers like as IKEA and H&M. The Nordic countries also excel in technology and services related to mining. Three of the biggest METS companies in the world – Epiroc, Sandvik and Metso Outotec hail from the Nordic region. The food imports into the Nordic region are currently estimated at USD 41 billion a year and expected to continue growing in the coming years.

With these promising business possibilities, comes the need for safe, convenient logistics. The reliability of a trusted, global partner like ECU Worldwide backed by the strong local expertise and market leadership of Nordicon is the perfect combination for shippers from diverse industries.

Trade across the North Atlantic Sea

The trade lanes across the North Atlantic Sea have especially benefitted from this partnership. “The JV with Nordicon helped fill a gap in our service offerings in and out of the Nordic region. Moreover, the fact that it is a well-known, highly regarded, and respected organization only adds to the credibility and is a bonus when discussing new trade lane opportunities,” says Vincent Argenzio, Executive Vice President, ECU Worldwide USA.

Indeed, after the announcement of the JV, four new direct services have been started from the USA to the Nordic countries:

  • Atlanta – Gothenburg
  • Chicago – Gothenburg
  • New York – Oslo
  • New York – Helsinki

Moreover, new import services from Gothenburg to New York, Chicago and Charleston have also been started.

The route between USA and the Nordics is not the only trade lane to be feeling the positive impact.

Trade across the South Atlantic Sea

Trade lanes originating in the continent of Africa are witnessing growth and some of them are being re-routed, so customers can leverage the geographical advantage.

A number of trade lanes to and from South and East Africa and Mauritius have been re-routed:

  • Denmark, previously connected via HAM (Germany) is now connected via ANR (Belgium) to CPT (South Africa), PLZ (South Africa) and DUR (South Africa)
  • Finland, previously connected via HAM (Germany) is now connected to CPT (South Africa), PLZ (South Africa) via ANR (Belgium), and to DUR (South Africa) via GOT (Sweden)
  • Norway (Oslo) is now connected to DUR (South Africa) via GOT (Sweden)
  • Sweden previously connected via HAM (Germany) is now connected to PLZ (South Africa) and CPT (South Africa) via ANR (Belgium) and has a direct connection to DUR (South Africa)

The main products imported from Nordic countries are medical equipment, machinery, and automotive goods, and the volume of trade has also grown.

“In just one month itself we can see an increase in volume of goods from Sweden, Finland and Denmark and we see possibility for future growth as most customers have shown an interest in exploring these new trade lanes after the JV with Nordicon. They are keen to leverage the Nordic advantage,” says Ian Mc Allister, Regional Head for Southern & Eastern Africa and Mauritius.


In just a few months, ECU Worldwide and Nordicon have truly emerged #StrongerTogether and are enabling businesses in the Nordic countries and across the world to grow and progress.

Quick Bytes

The recent Joint Venture between world LCL leader, ECU Worldwide and Nordicon, the leading ocean freight consolidator in the Nordic region with near 40% market share in the LCL segment and extensive rail freight capabilities, is driving benefits for businesses across the world.
Powered by ECU Worldwide’s global network and Nordicon’s extensive reach across the Nordic region and well-connected rail freight capabilities deep into Europe, a number of regions are offering enhanced services across key trade lanes.
The trade lane from the USA to the Nordic region has been augmented with 4 new direct services from the USA and new import services have been added to the existing portfolio of services.
In Southern and Eastern Africa, the 4 trade lanes to Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden have been re-routed via other ports enabling more options for customers.
ECU Worldwide and Nordicon have truly emerged #StrongerTogether and are enabling businesses in the Nordic countries and across the world to grow and progress.