Direct routes bolster global trade to and from USA and beyond

Direct routes bolster global trade to and from the USA and beyond

As the global environment continues to evolve, businesses in the USA and across the world grapple with supply chain disruptions, port congestion, lack of manpower and resource availability, and other challenges. The onus is on the logistics ecosystem and its various players to digitalize, innovate, and collaborate to keep cargo moving. During situations like these, global players like ECU Worldwide with a vast network in 180 countries, are truly stepping up and offering niche solutions.

In an endeavour to minimize the impact of delays possible in the run-up to the peak of the shipping season, shippers have been consistently moving cargo, resulting into some of the busiest days at the US East and West ports.

Direct routes for better connectivity

Well-aligned with its focus on customer centricity, ECU Worldwide, global leader in LCL consolidation, has launched the maximum number of import and export direct services to and from USA in 2022.

The close to 40 new direct trade routes not only enhance connectivity for trade, but also help businesses explore routes that are faster, and more cost-effective.

One of its most popular ones, Atlanta to Kingston, for example, offers direct access to Kingston, Jamaica, by completely bypassing Miami, which is one of the most overloaded ports. Further, partnering with its office at the destination, ECU Worldwide can provide customers with last mile deliveries to their desired destinations, thus making it a truly end-to-end, single-window solutions.

Tackling uncertainties with business continuity

With peak season underway, and shippers planning ahead, a customized service connecting businesses across the USA with the manufacturer of the planet is a need of the hour.

And anticipating this trend much in advance, leading players like ECU Worldwide are already enabling customers with niche products like XLERATE.

It is a sea-air combined express service to move cargo from China to the USA and beyond, with much faster transit times and at a fraction of the cost of what air freight would entail. A number of factors have led to this offering growing into one of the preferred ones for ECU Worldwide’s customers.

  • Dedicated Bonded Line Haul Express services from Los Angeles  
  • Express XLERATE IPI service to 18 inland CFS destinations  
  • Simplified all-inclusive pricing per kilogram from FOB to pick up at final IPI CFS  
  • Ocean service from China on the premium Matson CLX 10-day CY/CY service from Shanghai to Long Beach  
  • Exclusive use of the Matson terminal in Long Beach to avoid congestion and delays 

Driving efficiencies, digitally

Resilience and end-to-end cargo visibility are among the key factors driving global business supply chains, while navigating diverse circumstances.

With is state-of-the-art digital logistics platform, ECU360, ECU Worldwide gives its customers greater control over their cargo, the ability to plan better with access to shipping schedules and other information much in advance, value-added services like trucking and insurance, and instant quotes for global cargo movements to 180 countries and door-to-door deliveries in more than 50 markets.


With a number of innovative products and new direct services launched, and more to be announced soon, ECU Worldwide is well-geared to help businesses not just in the USA, but the world over, broaden horizons and leverage the advantage of seamless, on-demand, shipping experiences.