Education meets industry: A win-win collaboration

From the times when hallowed halls of academic institutions were far-removed from business, industry and its cut-throat competition, we have indeed come a long way. Through internships, guest lectures, research partnerships, participative skill development training and many other avenues, collaborations between education institutes and industry players are today playing a key role in driving growth and progress for the nation, society and world at large.

Knowledge, when applied across a number of sectors to complete tasks quicker and better, resolve challenges and consequently enhance the standard and quality of human life, can be said to have achieved its true potential. And industry-academic partnerships create just the right platform and resources to enable it.

Learning from the masters of the industry

Formal training and academic courses can equip students with the best and most advanced knowledge about any subject that is being studied. With communication technology bringing the world closer and a host of digital tools making learning an all-round experience, trends, developments and insights from any corner of the world are accessible in just a few clicks.

But even all of this put together, cannot help a student learn what experience can teach. A mutual connect between academic institutes and the industry helps bridge this gap. Pioneers and leaders of the industry, who have explored unchartered territory, worked their way through opportunities and challenges, and picked up numerous lessons along the way, can speak to students, guide them and give them a sense of the world outside.

In keeping with this focus on industry-academic partnerships, the Ministry of Education, Government of India, appointed Mr. Shashi Kiran Shetty, Chairman, Allcargo Logistics, ECU Worldwide and Gati, as the Chairman of the Society and Board of Governors (BoG) of the National Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE), one of India’s premier and only institution offering post graduate courses in industrial engineering.

A pioneer in the field of logistics with a wide-ranging industry experience that involves spearheading operations across diverse logistics verticals, in over 180 countries around the world and more than 19,800 PIN Codes right into India’s hinterlands, Mr. Shetty’s expertise also extends into strategic growth, M&A, operations, finance and human resources as key pillars in the organization.

It is important for an institution to make sure that the curriculum, training patterns and evaluation keep pace with changing times and provide knowledge that is relevant, futuristic and applicable in the industry. Insights and inputs from a globally experienced leader like Mr. Shetty can be of great advantage.

Giving wings to entrepreneurial ambitions

Acknowledging Mr. Shetty’s digitally-enabled vision for the future, Prof. Manoj Tiwari, Director, NITIE, says, “A self-made entrepreneur and astute businessman like Shetty who also appreciates the importance of education and learning will surely prove to be a noteworthy asset to the institution. We look forward to working together under his dynamic leadership in the emerging situation and explore opportunities in Industry 4.0 and global supply chains in the backdrop of Aatmanirbhar Bharat.”

Globally renowned institutions today, focus on developing an entrepreneurial mindset. Not only does this help create potential avenues for employment, but also helps students imbibe essential traits like perseverance, resource-consciousness, leadership and commitment to excellence.

As a logistics industry veteran, Mr. Shetty’s entrepreneurial journey is an inspiration in itself. His passion for the business, belief in the potential of the youth and knack of identifying future leaders place him in an ideal position to identify, groom and mentor students to take their first steps as entrepreneurs in their chosen fields.

Driving disruptions with new perspectives

Formal education and training drives research and development which leads to new inventions, new discoveries and hitherto unforeseen products and services which can have a tremendous impact on society and human life. Such disruption actually drives the profitability and revenues of businesses and industries.

A reputed educational institute with high standards of academic excellence and the right industry partnerships can benefit the industry with a regular supply of skilled individuals, equipped with the requisite expertise to contribute to the business. A young workforce brings in new perspectives and ideas, remarkably different ways of conducting business and a much-needed view from the outside. These are vital to prevent organizations from falling into the trap of being too inward-looking and losing touch with the way the industry transforms itself.

Such fresh minds that have grown up with technology and are far more comfortable with it, are ideal to drive the organization’s digitalization forward in this new normal where the business landscape is constantly evolving in response to expected as well as unforeseen circumstances.

Progress for the nation and the world

There is no doubt on how significantly higher education can better not just an individual’s future prospects and employability but also the overall development and progress of the country.

Taking industry-academia collaboration a step further, such worthwhile partnerships with global organizations and universities can facilitate an even higher level of knowledge, information and ideas exchange to eventually make the world a better place.

Quick Bytes

A mutual connect between academic institutes and the industry helps bridge the gap between knowledge and experience.
Formal education and training drives research and development which leads to new inventions, new discoveries and hitherto unforeseen products and services that impact society and human life.
In keeping with this focus on industry-academic partnerships, the Ministry of Education, Government of India, appointed Mr. Shashi Kiran Shetty, Chairman, Allcargo Logistics, ECU Worldwide and Gati, as the Chairman of the Society and Board of Governors (BoG) of the National Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE), one of India's premier and only institution offering post graduate courses in industrial engineering.
Renowned institutions focus on developing an entrepreneurial mindset to create potential avenues for employment and also help students imbibe perseverance, resource-consciousness, leadership and commitment to excellence.
A self-made entrepreneur and astute businessman like Shetty who also appreciates the importance of education and learning will surely prove to be a noteworthy asset to the institution.