Good people, good culture, a great place to work with Allcargo Logistics leading the way!

“A great place to work makes great minds at work”, is a statement that probably no longer needs a leap of faith to understand that a workplace is made great with all the creative minds coming together. With a pool of organizations in the region, happy voices were heard and chosen, that represented institutes like Allcargo Logistics. An organization that turned into a home away from home, for all its members, with a great work culture and work experience. It is a workplace that is great not just for some but great for all.

As Allcargo Logistics has reached a momentous achievement of 83 straight from 77, with the Great Place to Work (GPTW) verdict, Allcargo Logistics stands tall with the highest score till date. 

“I would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every team member who took the time to respond to the survey and share honest feedback.  I must also appreciate all our people managers, everyone who has someone reporting to them; and a score of 83 is indicative of the hard work you put in towards doing what it takes to engage and motivate the team.”, says the elated Founder and Chairman of Allcargo Logistics, Mr. Shashi Kiran Shetty.

The research and study of GPTW

A Great Place to Work® Employee Survey is the world’s most widely used model to understand employee perceptions about their workplace. Independent research shows that organizations that are great workplaces perform 3 times better than the general market and experience up to 50 percent less employee attrition. An increase in the Great Place to Work® Trust Index© Score positively impacts productivity, innovation, cost control, and other business results. 

The Hay Group research sums up that highly engaged employees are on average 50% more likely to exceed expectations than the least-engaged workers. So, companies with highly engaged people outperform firms with disengaged members by 45% in employee retention by 89% in customer satisfaction, in the four-fold revenue growth. 

Another recent research by London Business School shows that employees who feel welcome to express their authentic selves at work exhibit higher levels of organizational commitment and deliver better individual performances and have a greater propensity to help others. 

Organizational Virtues and GPTW ethics

As an organization of dreams always remains aspirational, here are a few virtues of what an ideal great place to work should have and why Allcargo Logistics is one of them. 

  1. Let people be just themselves 
  2. Building an ideal work culture 
  3. Unleashing information all the way 
  4. Value every member, own them 
  5. Make your employees better, magnify their strength
  6. Show the path 
  7. Practice work ethics and not strict rules


To put it in a nutshell, a great place to work is a company where individual differences are not nurtured. Rather, it is where diversity is the mantra with a global team strength at play, where information is not suppressed, and the company adds value to every member. An organization that stands for ‘the work’ at its core, is intrinsically rewarding, and there are absolutely no rules but work ethics and discipline. 

Quick Bytes

With a pool of organizations in the region, happy voices were heard and chosen, that represented institutes like Allcargo Logistics. An organization that turned into a home away from home, for all its members, with a great work culture and work experience. It is a workplace that is great not just for some but great for all.
As Allcargo Logistics has reached a momentous achievement of 83 straight from 77, with the Great Place to Work (GPTW) verdict, Allcargo logistics stands tall with the highest ever score till date.
To put it in a nutshell, a great place to work is a company where individual differences are not nurtured. Rather, it is where diversity is the mantra with a global team strength at play, where information is not suppressed, and the company adds value to every member.
Another recent research by London Business School shows that employees who feel welcome to express their authentic selves at work exhibit higher levels of organizational commitment and deliver better individual performances and have a greater propensity to help others.
An organization that stands for ‘the work’ at its core, is intrinsically rewarding, and there are absolutely no rules but work ethics and discipline.