High-5 for 5 years of incredible logistics insights!

When we embarked on a journey to write, edit and compile interesting stories on logistics projects in India and the world, little did we imagine that our community would grow to 1,60,000 readers and counting. But more than 1000 days, 37 issues and 100s of stories later, here we are – celebrating our 5th anniversary and looking ahead to many more!

Compass first came out in August 2016, and just as its name suggests, its purpose was to give a sense of semblance and direction to the myriad developments in the logistics industry across India and the world. As an organization too, we were evolving and a digital magazine proved to be just the perfect platform for us to chronicle our journey to growth and progress.

Raison d’etre: Share knowledge and spark conversations

While the nature and topics of stories in Compass has evolved with time, its intent and reason for being continues to be the same. What started off with in-depth articles and stories on logistics updates and highlights of key projects is a still a go-to for anyone who wants to understand the business better.

It’s also a great way for our existing and potential customers as well as our team members to explore products, services and logistics news in a regular, timely manner.

Readers asked for it, we gave it to them

When it first began, Compass was a quarterly publication with nearly ten stories and a round-up of the news from our global offices. But as time went by, and business went up, it was soon a situation of so many stories, so little space!

Feedback revealed that the duration of a quarter was too long between issues and more frequent reading with fewer, focused stories was the right way ahead.

And from July 2019, Compass moved to a lighter, quicker monthly format with six stories, after which, from October 2020 onwards we added a new section to feature our media mentions and news coverage.

Something for everyone

As India’s largest integrated logistics services provider and the global leader in LCL consolidation, with operations in then 160 and now 180 countries, a global perspective was an absolute must for Compass. It found expression through stories and articles on international projects, as also a special section on ‘Country Focus’ stories featuring offices and teams from around the globe.

With such a stellar leadership in the organization comprising industry experts and veterans, interviews to capture their wisdom and experience became a much-loved feature in Compass and even today, we have kept them going.

Stories and appreciation from customers, achievements in terms of awards and recognitions, making waves at events and discussions, new products and services, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and humanitarian initiatives, insights from external experts on topics like leadership, sustainability, green logistics – Compass has it all!

Digitally yours

Moving away from a traditional print publication and choosing to go digital in some way set the stage for the complete perspective shift towards digitalization and digital transformation that the world is witnessing today.

With adoption of digital tools and technology becoming imperative for success, Compass now has a ‘Digitally Driven’ section to exclusively cover how technology is transforming logistics. With ECU360, our digital logistics platform being increasingly adopted the world over and receiving lots of positive feedback, it sure finds a special space in our stories on all things digital.

Looking ahead

“In the last 5 years, I have seen Compass through its many stages and phases and it has been a great journey. A big thank you to all our readers for the support, feedback and all the likes, comments and shares too! We hope to continue bringing you well-written articles covering diverse topics that make for wonderful reading every month. Here’s looking ahead to find out what new and what next, so we can take what we do really well, and step up to do even better!” – Adarsh Hegde, Jt. Managing Director, Allcargo Logistics and Managing Director, Gati-KWE