News Round-up

Legendary mountaineer Mark Inglis makes motivational speech

Allcargo employees were treated to a fascinating motivational talk by Mark Inglis, the famous mountaineer who was the first double amputee to climb Mount Everest. On 6 December 2016, Inglis interacted with participants at Avvashya House, Mumbai, to highlight the life lesson that if one has knowledge, there is no need to fear.

Inglis’ life is inspiring in many ways. While climbing Mount Cook in New Zealand in 1982, Inglis lost his limbs to frost bite. Caught in an intense blizzard, he and his partner survived for 13 days in a small cave. They were rescued; but Inglis had lost nearly half his body weight and both his legs had to be amputated below the knee.

The Kiwi climber, however, did not allow this to stop him. He overcame his handicap and over the next few years, went on to climb Mount Cook (in 2002) and Mount Everest (in 2006).

Addressing the gathering in the Allcargo HQ, Inglis pointed out that the passion one pursues will never fail a person in life. One may be in tremendous difficulties, but it’s knowledge and faith that will uplift the person, he said. Confidence was his pillar; he had learnt not to be affected by the reactions and stares of others, added the mountaineer.

Dr Shashi Kiran Shetty lauded the mountaineer and urged the audience to imbibe the same confidence.

Allcargo in WEF’s Global Competitiveness 2017 Report

It’s a matter of pride that Allcargo Logistics is among the 26 Indian companies featured in the Global Competitiveness Report 2016-17 brought out by the World Economic Forum (WEF).

In the latest report, India’s competitiveness rose sharply to the 39th rank (among 138 countries), up from the 55thposition in 2015-16 in the Global Competitiveness Index (GCI). The WEF pointed out that India was the only one among the six South Asian economies to feature in the top half of the GCI rankings.

“India leads the group of South Asian economies, climbing to 39th with improvements across the board, including institutions and infrastructure (42nd and 68th), which have been particularly important in increasing overall competitiveness,” says the report.

India’s GDP per capita in PPP terms almost doubled between 2007 and 2016, from $3,587 to $6,599, notes the WEF report. Growth slowed after the 2008 crisis, hitting a decade’s low in 2012–13.

“This experience triggered India to rethink its policies and engage more firmly in the reforms necessary to improve its competitiveness. Growth rebounded in 2014 and last year surpassed that of China, making it the fastest-growing large emerging market in that year,” points out the WEF. The number of Indian companies featuring among the list of global rapid growth companies has also increased from 17 the previous year to 26 in 2016-17.

ECU Worldwide UK declared Consolidator of the Year by Lloyd’s List

Lloyd’s List Global Freight Awards, one of the most coveted recognitions in the global shipping and logistics industry, felicitated ECU Worldwide UK as the ‘Consolidator of the Year’ in London on 3rd November, 2016.

Over 500 professionals gathered to celebrate the best of the freight and logistics industry. Lloyd’s List Global Freight Awards is a part of Maritime Intelligence. A stellar line-up of professionals from the shipping and logistics industry were a part of the awards panel to recognise merits and set a benchmark for excellence, whilst rewarding innovative ideas and concepts that have pushed the boundaries of what is possible.

ECU Worldwide UK was selected as ‘Consolidator of the Year’ in the ‘Readers’ Vote Awards’ for excellence in volumes handled, year on year growth projected, global reach and customer satisfaction.

Last year, the Lloyd’s List Global Freight Awards had felicitated our Chairman, Dr Shashi Kiran Shetty with the ‘Lifetime Contribution to Freight Award’ to recognise his contribution to the well-being of the industry in a profound way through the course of his career.

Recently, Allcargo also bagged the ‘Logistics Award’ at the Lloyd’s List Asia Awards held on 20th October, 2016 in Singapore, for its excellent end to end logistics services and dedicated focus on using local talent to find results in a challenging market.