Presenting the most prestigious awards in Indian logistics

While one strives to achieve excellence and the pure joy of serving customers better, receiving an award only reinforces faith in the job and motivates one to do better. The two awards recently won by Allcargo Logistics and Gati-KWE are a testament to this.

In addition to continuing its long standing association, as the presenter of the most prestigious and most awaited logistics awards in India – the 11th All India Maritime and Logistics Awards (MALA) 2021, held on 18th November 2021, in Mumbai, Allcargo and Gati-KWE were also conferred with the ‘Container Freight Station Operator of the Year (Pan India)’ and ‘Deal of the Year’ awards in recognition of their role in Indian logistics.

Recognising Allcargo & Gati-KWE’s contribution

Having a rich legacy of recognising only the very best in Indian logistics through a rigorous assessment process, these awards are a tribute to Allcargo and Gati-KWE’s efforts to serve their customers the very best. The fact that it is a recognition awarded by peers and competition in the industry makes it all the more special and rewarding.

The first award, ‘Container Freight Station Operator of the Year (Pan India)’ recognised Allcargo’s expertise in CFS-ICD operations – Allcargo has one of the widest CFS networks in the country, spanning four major ports of India i.e. JNPT, Chennai, Mundra and Kolkata, along with an ICD at Dadri offering world-class infrastructure and services.

The second award, ‘Deal of the Year’, recognised the coming together of two powerhouses in Indian logistics: Allcargo and Gati-KWE, through Allcargo’s strategic acquisition of Gati-KWE. Allcargo’s global reach across 180 countries and Gati-KWE’s extensive domestic footprint, powered by visionary leadership, customer centricity and the right digital technology helps create logistics magic that customers have now come to rely on.

In A platform for ideas

In addition to being especially awaited since the awards were to be held in-person after close to two years, marking a return to normalcy after the pandemic-induced hiatus, MALA 2021 was also an opportunity for the industry to come together and discuss trends and ideas that would shape the logistics industry’s future.

Digitalization emerged as a unanimous concept that all the leaders felt was pertinent to the future of logistics in India. Each of the leaders who addressed the audience, spoke on the different facets of digitalization and how it will benefit the Indian logistics scenario at large.

The logistics sector’s contribution to keeping the economy and businesses running in these tough times was also acknowledged.

A firm believer in thought leadership and in enabling a stronger logistics ecosystem in India for businesses to benefit, it was but natural for Allcargo and Gati-KWE to lead the way and help confer recognitions on stalwarts and worthy contributors in the sphere of logistics in India, as well as create a platform to discuss innovative ideas that had the potential to be game-changers for global and Indian business supply chains.

Adarsh Hegde, Joint Managing Director, Allcargo Logistics and Managing Director Gati-KWE, stressed on the importance of digitalization and then went on to speak about how the entire logistics sector rose to the occasion while navigating the pandemic. In a poignant gesture, he asked the audience to remember those whom we lost to COVID-19 and requested a moment’s silence to pay respect to them and their families. He ended his address with a mention on the philanthropic activities of Avashya Foundation, the CSR wing of Allcargo Logistics and Gati-KWE and thanked everyone present for their support in mobilising the transport of 2 million masks and oxygen cylinders at the height of the second wave of the pandemic from Singapore and China respectively.


Allcargo and Gati-KWE are proud of the association with MALA and honoured to have received these awards. They reaffirm the organizations’ commitment to being future-ready, agile, and offering excellent end-to-end multimodal logistics services to customers in India and across the globe.

Quick Bytes

Allcargo Logistics and Gati-KWE presented the most prestigious awards for logistics in India – the 11th All India Maritime and Logistics Awards (MALA) 2021, held on 18th November 2021, in Mumbai and also went on to win two awards.
The ‘Container Freight Station Operator of the Year (Pan India)’ award recognised Allcargo’s expertise in CFS-ICD facilities – Allcargo has one of the widest CFS networks in the country, spanning four major ports in the country i.e. JNPT, Chennai, Mundra and Kolkata, along with an ICD at Dadri offering world-class infrastructure and services.
The ‘Deal of the Year’ award recognised the coming together of two powerhouses in Indian logistics: Allcargo and Gati-KWE, through Allcargo’s strategic acquisition of Gati-KWE.
Digitalization emerged as a core theme discussed during the panel discussion and in the addresses from senior leaders of the industry.
This edition of MALA was especially awaited since it was to be held in-person after close to two years and marked a return to normalcy after the hiatus caused by the pandemic.