Recognitions from the industry

The raison d’etre of logistics companies is enabling seamless global supply chains for businesses to excel and expand. Receiving awards and recognitions however, certainly serves to re-affirm and validate the efforts put in, boosts morale and motivates the teams to keep up their forward strides to excellence.

After receiving dual recognition at the 11th All India Maritime and Logistics Awards (MALA), the most prestigious awards in Indian logistics in November 2021, Allcargo Logistics has been showered with recognitions from a number of prestigious and highly respected institutions.

Laurels for contract logistics

The contract logistics division of Allcargo Logistics has always laid unrelenting focus on service excellence and safety. Led by a team of experts for whom safety is the biggest prerogative, the warehousing division, especially chemical warehousing, follows rigorous safety protocols.

Consequently, its efforts have been rewarded not only with multiple testimonials from satisfied customers, but also with recognitions from industry bodies.

The prestigious CII – Supply Chain and Logistics Excellence (SCALE) Awards 2021 have adjudged it the ‘Best Service Provider – Liquids and Chemicals’ – an apt recognition for its benchmarked high quality and standards of chemical warehousing services.

Within just a few days, the contract logistics division again won laurels at the Quantic 2nd Annual Warehouse and Logistics Excellence Awards 2021, where it was conferred the Warehouse Excellence in Safety Award 2021.

Making it a hat-trick is the ‘Warehouse Company of the Year 2021’ award at the Samudra Manthan Awards 2021. At the same awards, Mr. Umesh Grover, Advisor, Allcargo Logistics, was conferred the ‘Mentor of the Year’ award – a recognition truly befitting his stature and experience in the logistics industry.

Recognition for Chennai CFS

It’s not only Allcargo’s contract logistics team which has been bestowed with awards. The Chennai Container Freight Station (CFS) team’s efforts were recognized with an award for the highest CFS volume at Chennai at the EXIM South East CEO Conclave.

As an organization that takes pride in offering customers unmatched access to one of India’s widest CFS-ICD networks, awards such as this one add another feather to the cap.


While these awards are an inspiration to the team members, for customers, they are a seal of approval and not only a validation of their faith, but also of their decision to choose Allcargo as their logistics partner.

The fact that they are conferred by peers from within the industry, and the decision is made basis rigorous criteria upon which multiple companies are evaluated, makes it all the more remarkable and reaffirms the commitment to customers.

Quick Bytes

Allcargo Logistics has been conferred various awards in recognition of its contract logistics and CFS facilities recently.
The prestigious CII – Scale Awards 2021 have adjudged the contract logistics division the 'Best Service Provider – Liquids and Chemicals.'
At the Quantic 2nd Annual Warehouse and Logistics Excellence Awards 2021, it was conferred the Warehouse Excellence in Safety Award 2021.
The “Warehouse Company of the Year 2021" award at the Samudra Manthan Awards 2021 make it a hat-trick for the contract logistics division.
The Chennai Container Freight Station (CFS) team’s efforts were recognized with an award for the highest CFS volume at Chennai at the EXIM South East CEO Conclave.