Strengthening commitment to ESG and sustainability

Strengthening commitment to ESG and sustainability

As called for in the Paris Agreement, to keep global warming in check, emissions need to be reduced by 45% by 2023 and reach net zero by 2050. Giving impetus to this transition, is the increased focus on Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors, across industries, businesses, nations, and the world at large. ESG goes far beyond environmental sustainability, and encompasses social welfare, an equitable society, as well as business conducted in a free, fair and ethical manner. It is in keeping with this holistic approach that leading logistics players like Allcargo Group, have chosen to take a strategic approach to ESG and sustainability.

Strengthening commitment to ESG and sustainability
Mr. Shashi Kiran Shetty, Founder and Chairman – Allcargo Group, commemorates World Environment Day by planting a tree at the Mumbai Head Office

Logistics, by its very nature, is an industry that leads to increased carbon emissions. As goods and people continuously make their way to and from multiple destinations all over the world, it is no surprise that green mobility, alternate fuels, and sustainable logistics have come to the forefront of aspects that influence strategic decisions.

Global collaboration to maximize impact

A remarkable differentiator of Allcargo’s ESG initiatives is the global perspective that draws and builds on the insights and expertise of team members from the world over. Both, at a strategic and operational level, this approach is likely to reap rich dividends, owing to the streamlining of efforts and amplification of the positive outcomes. For example, on the occasion of World Environment Day, teams from across the globe participated in their own unique ways to do their bit to protect the planet. This is in complete alignment with the logistics major’s target to plant a million trees, which it is geared to achieve by 2023.

Tree plantation at CFS JNPT, CFS Kolkata, and CFS Chennai

ECU Worldwide Brazil sows the seeds of a bright future at a local school in Diadema, São Paulo

ECU Worldwide Belgium held a clean-up drive at the Antwerp harbour

ECU Worldwide Argentina encoruaged team members to nurture succulents

ECU Worldwide Italy planted an olive tree – an everlasting symbol of peace of hope

ECU Worldwide Brazil team members planting trees in Santos

Creating awareness on World Environment Day at Gati’s Guwahati office

Allcargo’s commitment to ESG and sustainability truly reflects its core value of Care for Environment and Society, and purpose of helping global supply chains while caring for sustainability.