Unstoppable, no matter how tough it gets

When it comes to providing logistics services for project cargo movements, myriad factors come into play and there is no way one can anticipate all the possible hurdles. Add to it the panic of a global pandemic, and the level of challenges escalates manifold. But a simple decision of working with a trusted, experienced project logistics partner can make all the difference.

When a Japanese engineering major required precious Over-Dimensional Cargo (ODC) to be transported from Dahej, Gujarat, to Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh, the company chose to partner with Allcargo Logistics, India’s leading integrated logistics services provider and the global leader in LCL consolidation.

With the outbreak of COVID-19 disrupting health, economy and businesses globally, India too is reeling under its impact. The entire country has been under lockdown and continues to be so till date, with only essential services allowed to function and restrictions being eased out gradually only in areas where the number of cases are minimal or on the decline.

Under such circumstances, planning and executing the transportation of such huge and complex equipment was not an easy task, but the team brought on their A-game and successfully met their deliverables as scheduled.

Making way, with care

The cargo being transported from Dahej in Gujarat to Gorakhpur in Uttar Pradesh contained critical components that included a Urea Reactor (weighing over 350 MT), an Ammonia Converter (weighing nearly 600 MT) and an Ammonia Unitized Chiller (weighing over 300 MT).

In a large-scale project, there are many interdependencies between the various teams and stakeholders involved in the project. Owing to the project timelines that often extend to a few years, all entities involved need to function effectively like cogs in a well-oiled machine.

“We completely understand our responsibilities and accountability when we undertake ODC as well as containerised cargo movements for key nation-building projects. It is our privilege to partner such projects and our team always ensures safe, timely deliveries, come what may. It is in our DNA to be innovative in the face of challenges and offer seamless project logistics no matter how challenging the route or how inaccessible the location might seem”, says Rahul Rai, Head – Business Development, Project Forwarding and Heavy Engineering Division, Allcargo Logistics.

Beginning in April 2020, Allcargo transported 5 refinery vessel products, and kept cargo moving even inspite of the nationwide lockdown and restrictions.

Mitigating challenges

Considering that India was under lockdown, there were a number of restrictions and barriers while carrying out this inter-state movement of the cargo. With constant directives being issued by the central and state governments, it was important to ensure that no rules were being flouted and every protocol was being met as needed. This called for even greater cooperation between the teams of Allcargo and those of its customer and partners.

Permissions were sought as needed, documentation formalities were completed and routes were planned and scheduled in a manner that optimised both time and costs of delivery.

With the lockdown leading to factories being shut down and many drivers, handlers, operators and workers, returning from cities to their hometowns, it was an added responsibility to ensure availability of transport and labour to continue operations.

Allcargo has always been known for its commitment to safety, be it of the cargo, of the equipment and handlers, or at the site while carrying out erections or dismantling. The COVID-19 outbreak added another dimension to the safety requirements. Regular disinfection and sanitizing, use of masks and sanitizers by all those involved in working on the frontlines, maintaining safe social distance, all these factors were taken into consideration and complied with as per requirements.

Special restrictions needed to be adhered to while moving through containment zones or areas where curfew had been levied. This was carried out in collaboration with the lawful authorities and by ensuring complete preparedness and accurate paperwork completed to minimise delays.

Allcargo steps up

A key factor that led to the success of this project was the constant collaboration between team members and an approach to cooperate and go the extra mile while mitigating challenges. Inspite of team members operating from home, there were no hurdles in communication, cross-checking, etc. owing to strong business continuity plans that Allcargo had already put into action.

Having a team of experienced professionals at hand gave the project its much-needed bolstering of expertise. With team members who had a thorough understanding of multi-modal transport as well as the specific requirements of the projects, the planning and execution worked flawlessly.

Another important backbone behind the success of the project was Allcargo’s own specialised equipment as well as trained operators to handle it and ensure maintenance which reduced the dependence on external partners and offered better control over the operations.

Above all, what mattered most was the team’s approach and attitude of never giving up. Each time there was a challenge, every person involved right from the senior leaders to the workforce that was actually keeping things going at the site gave their best and made sure they kept the cargo moving.

Eye on the future

Now as the lockdown slowly lifts, and businesses get back to operating as usual, the project logistics team looks forward to partnering even more projects with seamless, end-to-end logistics services.

Backed by expertise in a range of services like CFS, NVOCC, Contract Logistics, Warehousing and more, along with the advantage of a global network that operates via more than 300 offices in over 160 countries, Allcargo is poised to be the ideal partner for progress.

“The current times call on us to accelerate the pace of development and move onward and forward in the face of a ‘new normal’ that we all now need to adjust to. A partner like us with a glorious legacy of experience and well-developed capabilities to adapt to an ever-evolving business environment is sure to power numerous dream projects with a thrust to succeed”, concludes Rahul Rai, Head – Business Development, Project Forwarding and Heavy Engineering Division, Allcargo Logistics.

Quick Bytes

When a Japanese engineering major required precious Over-Dimensional Cargo (ODC) to be transported from Dahej, Gujarat, to Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh, the company chose to partner with Allcargo Logistics, India’s leading integrated logistics services provider and the global leader in LCL consolidation.
Beginning in April 2020, Allcargo transported 5 refinery vessel products, and kept cargo moving even inspite of the nationwide lockdown and restrictions.
Permissions were sought as needed, documentation formalities were completed and routes were planned and scheduled in a manner that optimised both time and costs of delivery.
The movement was carried out in collaboration with the lawful authorities and by ensuring complete preparedness and accurate paperwork completed to minimise delays.
Now as the lockdown slowly lifts, and businesses get back to operating as usual, the project logistics team looks forward to partnering even more projects with seamless, end-to-end logistics services.